ITE Group plc Scrip Dividend Scheme

As a valued shareholder the ITE Group plc Scrip Dividend Scheme (the ‘Scheme’)
Ex-Dividend Date 29 December 2016
Record Date 30 December 2016
SCRIP Calculation Price 155.5p
Last day for SCRIP applications 16 January 2017

provides you with the opportunity to receive newly allotted Company shares equivalent
to the value of any cash dividend, allowing you to grow your shareholding.

If you choose to participate in the Scheme, the Company will issue you with additional
new shares, equivalent to the value of any cash dividend, completely free of charge.
Whilst in the Scheme you will not receive a cash dividend – only new shares.

To make sure you are accepted into the Scheme before the next dividend, certificated
holders need to complete and return the application form below to Equiniti, a minimum
of 15 working days before the dividend payment date you wish your election to be
valid for. CREST holders need to elect through CREST.

If you elect to join the Scheme:

  • • If you have a share certificate, we will send you a notional Tax Voucher
      confirming the reference price and number of additional new shares,
      along with your new additional share certificate.
  •  If you hold your shares through CREST your new shares will be credited
      to your CREST account.
  •  You will remain in the programme unless you request to cancel your instruction
      by writing to Equiniti (details below).

Full details of the Scheme can be found in the Terms and Conditions that can be downloaded below.
We highly recommend that you read these in full prior to making an election to join the Scheme.

> Scheme Terms and Conditions (PDF, 136Kb)

> Certificated Application Form (PDF, 82Kb)

> SCRIP Revocation Form (PDF, 25Kb)

> CREST Election instructions