Travel Exhibitions has plenty of sponsorship
opportunities to offer its participants
and supporters. These range from the sponsorship
of plastic bags given out at the exhibitions
to being category sponsor for the Travel
Awards, from platinum sponsorship to sponsoring
a hanging banner in the exhibition hall.
Why not book sponsorship
now, please contact ITE Travel Exhibitions: [email protected],
tel: +44 (0)20 7596 5000
Here are just a few examples
of the types of sponsorship available:
This package is available to one company
only. It blends prestige with massive reach.
The opportunities it affords the sponsor
are enormous and the package includes:
• dominant logo
featured on the backdrop at the opening
dedicated insert in event press packs (provided
by sponsor)
mentioned in the speech at the opening
logo featured on the backdrop at the press
logos featured on all visitor tickets
access to VIP lounge for the duration of
the event
logo on brochures and leaflets
double page spread advertisement in official
event guide/catalogue
logo on street banners
feature article in the official event guide/catalogue
(up to 2 pages)
logo featured throughout exhibitor promotion
front cover logo on official event guide/catalogue
hyperlinked logo featured prominently on
the official event website
logo on header or footer of every page
in official event guide (except advertising
press release announcing sponsorship deal
logo and arrow pointing to your stand in
the official route planner
EVENT SPONSOR packages also
SPONSOR for companies who are
keen to be seen:
branding of registration area - banners
and posters
logo on event carrier bags
branding of registration staff clothing-tshirts,jumpers,fl.
Jackets, basb.caps etc.
display area for promotional materials
logo on all visitor badge lanyards
2 invitations to the gala dinner/reception
logo on all registration pens (to be retained
by all registered visitors)
The Route planner is the official show
magazine produced for the exhibition and
given out free of charge at registration
to all visitors. It will contain analytical
reviews and articles on the Russian and
CIS market, information about key players
in the industry and the latest show information.
full page advertorial or a back page advert.
logo on the floor plan to highlight their
There are many more sponsorship
options, please contact us NOW to find
out more!