Why Exhibit at ITE Travel events?

Exhibiting can be one of the most powerful marketing tools available in terms of initiating and managing relationships. During the exhibitions, you will have the chance to reach top level decision makers and purchasers in the Russian or Ukraine tourism industry. Here are specific goals that your company can achieve through exhibiting:

By exhibiting at ITE travel events, you can:

• Generate Sales leads
Meet qualified and motivated buyers of travel products

• Conduct market research
Find out what your customers' current & future needs are

• Promote your brand
Present the benefits of your products and services face-to-face with key buyers in a way that they will understand

• Build on customer relationships
Consolidate relationships with existing clients

• Media/PR
Raise your profile amongst general and trade media and gain that extra coverage that you are looking for in key/target publications

Top Exhibiting Tips!

An exhibition is the only medium that brings qualified buyers straight to your company for face-to-face interactions. It's also the only medium to harness all five senses, letting you demonstrate products, answer questions, overcome objections and - most importantly - build relationships with your customers and prospects.

Your participation at an exhibition should begin well before the show in order to maximize your results.


• Set specific goals
Spending a little time and thought planning before an exhibition will pay big dividends when show time comes.
Do you want to generate 200 sales leads? Launch your new product to customers, prospects and the media? Want to demonstrate your product to 250 top buyers? Make 40 new appointments? Test a new idea?


• Plan the stand to meet the goals
Your stand location, design and activities should reflect what you hope to achieve. Think about how you can tailor it to a specific audience.

• Tell people why they should visit you - Make the most of pre-show PR and advertising
The most successful companies at exhibitions are the ones that take the trouble to mail their prospects and customers before the show.

• Take advantage of sponsorship opportunities
Sponsorship is an extremely cost-effective way to stand-out at an exhibition. Talk to the ITE Travel Exhibition’s Organisers to devise a package that suits your needs. For sponsorship enquiries, email: [email protected]


• Train and motivate your show staff
Make sure your staff understand the goals that they need to achieve and what their specific role is on the stand. Motivate your staff. People on a stand are crucial to having a good event!

• Use positive body language
Smiles, eye contact, open questions - be active in attracting visitors to your stand.

• Focus on your key targets
Decide who your key targets are and brief your team to focus on them.

• Invite key journalists to visit your stand - or visit theirs.
An exhibition is an excellent opportunity to gain extra coverage of your brand.


• Follow up all the sales leads you've generated.

• Assess your success at the event
Speak with your staff and find out how the exhibition went. If you did not attract your target number of visitors, try and assess how you can improve next time.

• Follow up on all press releases
Call all the editors you mailed your press releases to or who visited you on your stand.

• Book a stand for next year
Make sure you book a prime location for next year

If you need any assistance with your participation at any of our events, the ITE team is happy to assist!

Cyprus Tourism Organisation at MITT

Maison de la France at MITT

Jordan Tourist Board at MITT

Pavilion One, MITT

Pavilion One, MITT

Austrian National Tourist Board at UITT