Ms Elina Taji reviews the first-time presence of the Jordan Tourism Board to UITT 2007

Ukraine is a relatively new market for Jordan but it is a market that we want to explore. The figures gathered are encouraging. Ms Taji comments: “In 2006  there were 3,500 tourists from Ukraine. They are mainly staying at 5* hotels and some at 4* hotels for a minimum stay of 7 nights”.

The main destinations interest are :
Dead Sea, Petra, Hot Springs at Janna SPA 5*, Baptism site, Aqaba (Red Sea) , Wadi Rum desert and Jerash (Roman city).

 Though in its early stages of development, Jordan receives good revenues from Ukrainian tourists as the vast majority stays at 5* hotels.
The Ukrainian market has been constantly increasing over the last 3 years and the profile of the visitors is interesting : they are mainly FITs, families and middle-age well-off travellers.

“Jordan is not a cheap destination therefore the tourists who are coming to Jordan have a good purchasing power (…)Jordan offers a fantastic tourism mix, it has a combination of leisure and cultural tourism, and the standard of services are high.”

In 2007, the Jordan Tourist Board will celebrate its first year participation at UITT 2007 and a total of 9 Jordanian Tour Operators will be attending the travel fair at the JTB stand. It is anticipated that Jordan will attract the attention of tour operators and tourism associations as a new destination for Ukrainian tourists

The strategy ahead….
The Jordan Tourism Board is trying to position Jordan as a boutique destination. “We are not targeting mass tourism but our main strategy is niche markets. We will promote products such as Health and Wellness (Dead Sea), Culture and History (Petra) and Christian pilgrimage (Baptism site).We are targeting quality, not quantity”.
The promotion of Jordan is lead by the Jordan Tourism Board. Several campaigns are run throughout the year such as  press trips for journalists and TV crews, FAM trips for potential tour operators and outdoor campaigns.

JTB will be exhibiting at MITT 2007. Please visit them in the Forum stand F122.
JTB will be exhibiting at UITT 2007, please visit them at the IEC, stand D10.