Krasnaya Presnaya Exhibition Centre, ZAO Expocentr
27 - 30 March 2002 Programme of Events
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Monday 25th March 2002
11.00 MITT Press Conference (by invitation only) President Hotel
9.00 - 18.30 Ecotourism Seminar: "Ecotourism, a Tool for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century in the Transitional Economies of CIS countries" : organised by WTO (World Tourism Organization) & Tourism Department of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, supported by ITE Group Plc Hotel Complex
Golden Ring

Tesday 26th March 2002
9.00 - 18.30 Ecotourism Seminar: "Ecotourism, a Tool for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century in the Transitional Economies of CIS countries" : organised by WTO (World Tourism Organization) & Tourism Department of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, supported by ITE Group Plc

Hotel Complex
Golden Ring
18:00 Breeze Cruise: seminar on cruises. Cottage Village Shbolovo Gorky

Wednesday 27 March 2002
11.00 - 12.30 MITT Official Opening Ceremony (by invitation only) Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
12.30 - 13.30 MITT VIP Reception (by invitation only) Pavilion Forum
Marble Room,
14:00 - 15:00 Russian International Academy for Tourism: presentation on educational programmes and internships abroad. Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
14:00 - 16:00 Neva: presentation of new travel brochures for the spring-summer season 2002. Pavilion 1
Press Club A
15:00 - 17:00 Agency "Informbank". Official Ceremony Award "Silver Crown", nomination "Leaders of tour industry".

15:30 - 17:30 UTE Megapolus Group: presentation on summer programme. Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue hall
17.00 - 18.00 Odeon: presentation on the company (by invitaion only). Pavilion 2 Hall 1
Blue Hall
17:00 - 18:00 Kurorty Crimea: presentation on the best spa-resorts on the south coasts of Crimea and the Azov Sea, Yalta, Alushta and Sak. The press are invited to ask questions on tourism in the Crimea. For further information please refer to www.scrimea.nm.ru and www.crimea-resorts.com.

Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand O 206
19.30 MITT official welcome reception (by invitation only) Hotel Kempinski Baltschug,Moscow
19:00 - 1:00 Lanta Tour Voyage: Disco evening "With Lanta into Summer" Ogorod nightclub
Metro Prospect Mira Prospect Mira Street, 28
Thursday 28th March 2002
10.00 - 15.30 Conference "Time to Visit Russia" organised by Tourism Department of Ministry of Economic Development of the RF, RATA and Ministry of Transport RF. The following officials have been invited: Mr. Strzhalkovsky, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development RF; Mr. Rozhkov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport RF; Mrs. Shenguelia, Chief of the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Economic Development RF; Mr. Kotenov, Director of the Counsular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RF; Mr. Shpilko, President of RATA; Mr. Warlick, Consul General of the USA in Russia; Mrs. Ursula Schoercher, Chairman of the German National Tourist Board; Mr. Tutunik, Deputy Chief of the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Economic Development RF; Mrs. Konkol, Chairperson of Air Transportation Commission of RATA and General Director of Spectrum; Representatives of the Administration of the Krasnodar region; Representatives of the Clergy and Abbots from the Solovetski, Valaamski and Troitsko Lavra Monasteries; Mr. Zhukov, Director of the Department of Passenger Services of the Ministry of Railways of the RF; Mrs. Asaeva, Representative of the State Marine Department of the RF; Mr. Isakovich, Director of Academservice DMC; Representatives of Moscow and Russian Hotels and leading tour operators.

Congress Centre
Round Table
10:30 - 11:30 Solmar: presentation on their "Summer 2002" programme Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
11:00 Tris T: presentation on summer programmes, charters, excursions, club hotels in Sicily and Malta. Pavilion 1
Stand F 505
11:00 Uzhel and Co.: presentation on charters and summer programmes in Italy, Greece, Turkey. Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand N 402
11.30 - 12.30 Turkish Ministry of Tourism: press conference(by invitation only) Pavilion 1
Press Club A
11:30 - 12:30 Industrial Insurance Company: presentation on business partnerships for directors of travel companies , questions and answers session, lottery draw and informal discussion.

Congress Centre
Press Hall
12:00 - 14:00 Natali Tours: presentation on summer programmes and the 10th anniversary of the company. Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
12:00 - 14:00 Voyage: presentation on hotels of Southern China, such as the "Hills and Sea", the "Golden Palm" and others.

Pavilion Forum
Stand B 202
12:00 Ajaks Press: presentation on the Polyglott guide to China. Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand N 203
12:00 Baikal Travel: presentation on new programmes to Baikal, Buritia, Mongolia, on cruises, active tours (trekking, cycling, horse trekking, quad bike and snowmobile safaris, diving, rafting), eco tours and fishing on lakes Baikal and Hubsugul (Mongolia).

Pavilion Forum
Stand B 101
12:00 Kuban Riviera: presentation "I am going to the coast. Park Hotel" (Anapa). The Russian National Academy of design will also present the summer 2002 collection.

Stand H 401
Pavilion 2, Hall 2
13:00 - 14:00 Stella Polaris: seminar on "Portugal - the pearl of Europe". Pavilion 1
Press Club A
14:00 Ajaks Press: presentation on new series of Polyglott guides on countries of the world. Stand N 203
Pavilion 2, Hall 3
14.30 - 15.30 Odeon: presentation "Odeon Service Quality Tourism and ISO 9001 standards"(by invitation only) Pavilion 1
Press Club B
14:30 - 15:30 Deep Tour: presentation "New season-New hotels". New hotels on the coast of Antalya. Charters for Summer 2002 and on-line booking.

Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
14:30 - 15:30 America Travel: presentation on their new brochure "Your America, 2002-2003". All aspects of visiting USA and Canada will be discussed.

Pavilion 1
Press Club A
14:30 - 15:30 Tourism and Vacations magazine: seminar on "Russia beyond Russia: patterns of cost-effective approaches". Agenda: increase in Russian outbound tourism, reduction of expenses for business development. Our guests, the largest tour operators, will share their experience on the development of international cooperation.

Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
14:30 - 15:30 Louzhniki-Tour, Travel Company. Presentation on following destinations: Croatia, Cyprus, United Arabic Emirates, Egypt.

Congress Centr
Press Hall
15:00 VKO Travel: presentation on the entertainment complex Universal Mediterranea, its new hotels. Lottery draw.

Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand J 301
15:00 MKK Tour: cultural presentation on Cambodia. Meeting with officials of the country. Video and discussion on tourism in the country.

Pavilion Forum
Stand C 204
16:00 - 17:00 Discover France: "Tahiti French Polynesia"(by invitation only) Pavilion 1
Press Club A
16:00 - 17:00 Elitour Club: seminar on "Education abroad for children and adults" presented by the General Director of the company Mrs. Slivina.

Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
16:00 - 17:00 Voentour M: seminar-presentation on Vietnam. The following official will be speaking: Mr. VuThi Thang, minister of tourism for Vietnam, Mr. Ngo Tat To, the ambassador of Vietnam in Russia, Mr. Glazunov the head of Russian-Vietnam friendship society.

Pavilion 1
Press Club B
16:00 - 18:00 Association of Tourism Exhibition Organizers (ATEO) annual meeting Congress Centre
Press hall
16:00 - 18:00 Ministry of Economy of Bulgaria: presentation "Bulgaria:Say YES". The following officials will be present: Mr. Dimitar Hadjinikolov, Vice Minister; Mr. Angel Ivanov, Trade and Economy Counsel Office Moscow, Bulgarian Embassy.

Congress Centre
Round table
17:00 - 18:00 Kurorty Crimea: presentation on the best spa-resorts on the south coasts of Crimea and the Azov Sea, Yalta, Alushta and Sak. The press are invited to ask questions on tourism in the Crimea. For further information please refer to www.scrimea.nm.ru and www.crimea-resorts.com. Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand O 206
Friday 29th March 2002
11:00 - 13:00 All Legal Services "Persona Grata". Topical legal matters and separate licensing in the travel industry. Congress Centre
Round Table
11.30 - 12.30 ICS Travel Group: presentation on Information Technology in the tourism business and the reservation system in the Russian market.

Pavilion 1
Press Club A
11.30 - 12.30 Club Med: presentation on the new holiday village in Calabria, Italy(by invitation only) Pavilion 1
Press Club B
11.30 - 12.30 Irene: presentation on new destinations and summer programme in USA, Asia and Europe. Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
12:00 Ajaks Press: presentation on the Polyglott guide to Portugal and Madeira . Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand N 203
12:00 - 14:00 Voyage: presentation on hotels of Southern China, such as the "Hills and Sea", the "Golden Palm" and others.

Stand B 202
Pavilion Forum
13.00 - 15.00 ASTT: "The illusion and reality of information technology in tourism" Congress Centre
Round Table
13:00 - 14:00 Trans Show Tour: presentation on the tropical island Hainan (China). Pavilion 1
Press Club A
13:00 - 14:00 Express Line: presentation on the summer 2002 season and the award for ceremony "Winter 2001-2002"

Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
14-30 - 16.30 Cuban Tourist Board: presentation "Hoteles en Cuba"(by invitation only) Pavilion 1
Press Club A
15:00 MKK Tour: cultural presentation on Myanmar (Burma). Meeting with officials of the country. Video and discussion on tourism in the country.

Pavilion Forum
Stand C204
15:00 Dnipro Hotel: lottery draw - first prize of a 3-day stay at the hotel plus Ukrainian souvenirs. Pavilion 1
Stand F 602
16:00 Tris T: presentation on summer programmes, charters, excursions and club hotels in Sicily and Malta. Pavilion 1
Stand F 505
16:00 Higher Education College "Aviabusiness": presentation on the college an authorised IATA-UFTAA education centre.

Pavilion 2, Hall 2
Stand I 201
16:00 - 17:00 Jet Travel: presentation on "Summer in "Jet Style"". Summer holidays on European lakes (Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Germany). Sea resorts (Croatia, Italy). SPA (Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Germany). Excursions (Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Benelux).

Pavilion 1
Press Club B
17:00 Voyage: buffet and presentation on "Wonderful places in Southern China" (by invitation only).

Rossiya Hotel
17:00 Higher Education College "Aviabusiness": meeting with graduates in the IATA-UFTAA diploma. Pavilion 2, Hall 2
Stand I 201
17:00 Tris T: lottery draw. Prizes include: free charter flight to Sicily, free accommodation in club hotel in Sicily, souvenirs. Winners will be picked from business cards left at the stand.

Pavilion 1
Stand F 505
16:00 - 18:00 Intourist: presentation on the leading information technology "Intourist - Summer 2002", Intourist's summer programme and brochures on national and international tourism and a demonstration on the automatic booking system for travel agencies and tour operators.

Pavilion 2, Hall 1
Blue Hall
17:00 - 18:00 Kurorty Crimea: presentation on the best spa-resorts on the south coasts of Crimea and the Azov Sea, Yalta, Alushta and Sak. The press are invited to ask questions on tourism in the Crimea. For further information please refer to www.scrimea.nm.ru and www.crimea-resorts.com. Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand O 206
Saturday 30th March 2002
17:00 - 18:00 Kurorty Crimea: presentation on the best spa-resorts on the south coasts of Crimea and the Azov Sea, Yalta, Alushta and Sak. The press are invited to ask questions on tourism in the Crimea. For further information please refer to www.scrimea.nm.ru and www.crimea-resorts.com. Pavilion 2, Hall 3
Stand O 206