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Year Number of Exhibitors Net Square Metres Countries
2001 883 9 913 m2 69
2000 881 10 085 m2 68
1999 887 10 122 m2 70

Year Trade Participants General Public Total Visitors
2001 12 780 39 923 52 703
2000 12 972 39 803 52 775
1999 12 615 40 152 52 767

Wednesday, February 7th, 2001

9:00-17:00 - First Annual Central European Travel Confernce

As a joint-effort, ITE Travel Exhibitions and the Central European Countries Travel Association cecta organised the first annual Central European Travel Conference in the Prague Inter-Continental Hotel. The event was endorsed by the Czech Tourist Authority and opened by Francesco Frangialli - Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization. Speakers included: Nick Hurrell CEO of M&C; Saatchi, Hanns Peter Nerger, President and CEO of Berlin Tourismus Marketing, Tadeusz Donocik, Undersecretary of the Polish Ministry of Economy, Gill Wilson, President of cecta, and Director of ITE Travel Exhibitions, David Hammond.

Further information (including a full press release) can be received by contacting the cecta Secretariat on Tel: +44 1844 338332
Fax: +44 1844 338003 E-mail: [email protected]

Thursday, February 8th, 2001 (Trade Only)

10:30 - Press Conference - Press Center
Speakers Included:

  • David Hammond - Director, ITE Travel Exhibitions
  • Jiri Pavlik - Director, Agentura Triumf
  • Miroslav Navara - Executive Member, FIJET
  • Libor Patocka - Sales Representative, Agentura Triumf
  • Gabriela Svobodova - Public Relations Manager, Holiday World

    12:00 - Official Opening Ceremony - Lapidarium
    Speakers Included:

  • Francesco Frangialli - General Secretary, World Tourism     Organization
  • Lawrie Lewis - Chairman, ITE Group Plc
  • Tadeusz Donocik - Undersecretary of the Polish Ministry of     Economy
  • David Hammond - Director, ITE Travel Exhibitions
  • Jiri Pavlik - Director, Agentura Triumf
  • Karel Klima - Director, Prague Exhibition Grounds
  • Igor Nemec - Councillor, Prague Magistrate
  • Petr Kuzel - President, Economic Committee for the City of Prague

    20:00 - Gala Reception - Spanish Hall, Prague Castle
    Speakers Included:

  • Gwidon Wojcik - President, Polish Tourist Organization
  • Lawrie Lewis - Chairman, ITE Group Plc
  • Jiri Pavlik - Director, Agentura Triumf
  • Jiri Machal - Director, Prague Castle Management

    Reception sponsored by the event's honoured country, Poland

    Friday, February 9th, 2001 (Trade Only)

    11:30 - First Annual TTG Czech Travel Awards - Lapidarium            (Sponsored by HERTZ)

    Readers of TTG were presented with ballots in September and October of 2000 and were asked to select the winners for each category.

    1. Best travel agency in the Czech Republic - Fischer
    2. Most Cooperative Touroperator in Central     Europe - TUI
    3. Best Touroperator for Europe - Fischer
    4. Best Touroperator for America - America Tours
    5. Best Touroperator for Asia - ESO
    6. Best Touroperator for Africa and the Middle     East - Komfort
    7. Best Bus Company - Bohemia Euroexpress Int'l
    8. Best Rent-A-Car Company - Hertz
    9. Best Hotel in the Czech Republic - Hotel Inter*Continental
    10. Best Airline - CSA
    11. Best Hotel Chain - Marriott Hotel Chain
    12. Best National Tourist Board - Österreich Werbung
    13. Best Destination - France
    14. Best Reservation System - Amadeus

    Saturday, February 10th, 2001 (Public Day)

    16:30 - Exhibitor Awards

    Best Stand - Up to 50 m2
    First Place CK Blue Sky Travel
    Honourable Mention Pruvodcovska sluzba Kutna Hora
    Best Stand - Over 50 m2
    First Place German National Tourist Office
    Honourable Mention Stredni Cechy
    Best Printed Material - Catalogue
    First Place CK ALEX
    Honourable Mention Siam Travel
    Honourable Mention Sport-S
    Best Printed Material - Brochure
    First Place Croatian Tourist Board
    Honourable Mention Holland & Flanders
    Honourable Mention Okresni urad Vsetin