TransRussia 2001
26-27 March 2001, Renaissance Hotel, Moscow



9:30-13:00 Session 4

Parallel Sessions

Intermodal Transport

  • Fulfilling demand for increased efficiency and modernisation of port operations.
  • Importance of improving intermodal networks and inland transport infrastructure
  • Cross border rail freight movements
  • Container transport - long term trading potential
  • Rail shipment of containers from Europe to Asia
  • Creating a network of container depots in order to boost container transport in this region

    Speakers: International Rail Union, France
    John Keir, GE SeaCo, UK
    Francois Lafitte, CMA-CGM, France
    Dorotha Jilli, TT Club, UK
    Jorg Siedenbiedel, DB Cargo, Russia

    11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break


  • Impact of E-business on logistics.
  • Intregrating e-business into current systems.
  • Implementing e-business solutions
  • Improve supply chain management and meet new customers' expectations.
  • Distribution for companies selling online
  • Growth and experience of the trading exchange
  • Bringing transport and logistics business into the internet age
  • Practicalities of developing an internet site for tracking and tracing containers throughout the supply chain

    Chairman: Alexander Kozlenko, Vice-President, Actis Systems
    Speakers: Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation
    TT Columbus Partners IBM, Adwatch

    Developments in Air Cargo Transport

  • Developments in air cargo transport in Russia and CIS.
  • Increasing internationalisation of market and competitive relationships.
  • Need for liberalisation of traffic rights
  • Developments in express and courier service market
  • How has the globalisation of the market place altered the business environment in the airfreight sector?
  • Bringing a new dimension to airfreight industry - Increasing demands of airfreight customers for e-commerce

    Speakers: Aleksey Isaikin, General Director, Volga-Dnepr Airlines, TIACA, USA
    Tikhon Evdomikov, Commercial Director DHL, Russia
    Robert Hayter, Evergreen International Airlines, UK
    Andrey Goryashko, Aeroflot

    11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

    Ports - The Vital link in the Supply Chain

  • Reducing costs while meeting customer demand and satisfying needs of shippers and operators
  • Effective Port Management
  • Direct marketing to Port Users
  • Future of the specialised ports
  • Co-operation between ports
  • Attracting finance for port infrastructure needs
  • Changing port infrastructure - attracting manufacturers to port areas

    Speakers: Vitaljus Marinecas, Klaipeda State Seaport
    Geoff Adam, Port of London
    Igor Rusu, General Director, St. Petersburg Sea Port
    Hans-Juergen Fritsch, Director Sales Coordination,

    13:00 Departure from Renaissance Hotel to the Olimpiysky for participation at the official opening ceremony of TransRussia 2001

    19:00 OFFICIAL GALA DINNER TransRussia 2001 Gala Dinner and
    HOSTED BY Logistic Manager of the Year Award Ceremony