TransRussia 2001
Logistics Manager of the Year

The TransRussia Logistics Manager of the Year Awards, recognises the expertise and knowledge of all involved in Transport Logistics into, out of, and within the Russian Federation and CIS and Baltic States.

The competition is open to shippers and freight forwarders operating in Russia, CIS and Baltic States. Participants will be judged by a panel of industry experts on their solution to their most complex logistics challenge in the 12 months preceeding TransRussia.

With the integration of Russia into the wider global transportation network, logistics plays an increasingly important role in Russia's economy. The development of Russia's transportation industry and the technical and professional skills flourishing within it merit recognition.

TransRussia 2000 Winners

1st Place Oleg Vishnyakov Logistics Manager Express Services Moscow
2nd Place Viktor Popov General Director Vladivostokneshtrans Vladivstok
3rd Place Ivan Zotov Director ITS Japan Ltd Moscow

TransRussia 99 Winner

Elena Pavlova Logistics Manager KODAK OAO Moscow