Dear Honoured Guests and Participants of the exhibition MIPS 2002,

On behalf of the Ministry of the Civil Defence Affairs, Emergency Situations and Liquidation of the Natural Disaster Consequences I am glad to formerly greet all participants of the 8-th Moscow International Protection, Security and Fire Safety Exhibition MIPS 2002.

By the Presidential Decree, the State Fire-Fighting Service was transferred to the MChS of Russia. Rescuers and fire-fighters have united so as to become truly effective, increasingly more mobile, far better equipped and ready to help people by the first emergency call service. Unfortunately from year to year the amount of fires do not decrease significantly but with scientists and professionals becoming more involved into fire safety preventative methods there is an encouraging shift to better developments of new people and property protection technologies. That is why we consider this particular exhibition, where the best of Russian and International manufacturers unite to demonstrate their achievements in the field of the fire safety, extremely important and highly topical.

The world's industry leaders are taking part in this exhibition which I believe leads to an effective exchange of experiences, exhibits of the most up-to-date equipments and technologies as well as latest developments in the security field achieving unique results and enhancing the State Fire-fighting Service with new reliable partners to rescue people.

I wish to all participants and guests of the show fruitful work, successful business contacts and Good luck!

With respect,

Sergey Shoygu,

Minister of the Civil Defence Affairs,
Emergency Situations and Liquidation of
the Natural Disaster Consequences of the
Russian Federation.