
9 th

Date: 16 - 19 April 2003

April 16 11:00 Opening Ceremony
12:00 - 18:00
April 17 - 18 10:00 - 18:00
April 19 10:00 - 16:00


MIPS 2003 will take place at the Olimpiyskiy ESC, situated in the heart of down town Moscow. Walking distance from the major Renaissance Hotel and the "PROSPEKT MIRA" Metro (Underground) station, Olimpiyskiy provides over 10,000m² of column free space and allows all the exhibitors to be located in one single hall. The complex boasts numerous facilities including free visitor car parking, seminar rooms and all necessary visitor and exhibitor facilities.

Characteristics: Security Technologies, Systems and Services, Fire Fighting/Protection, Safety at Work and Emergency & Rescue Equipment International Exhibition.

Organisers: ITE Group PLC (UK).
ITE Moscow (Russia).
K. Fairs (South Korea).
DB Business Service.
Connection Asia Ltd.
U.S. Department of Commerce.

Support: Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation (MVD).
Ministry of the Emergency Situations of the Russian
Federation (MChS).
UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
Russian State Customs Committee (GTK).
State Standard and Metrics Committee (Gosstandart).

Special cooperation: All-Russian Association of the Manufacturers and Importers of the Security Equipment.
British Security Industry Association.
Israeli Security Industry Organization.
Korean Electronic Industry Cooperative (KEIC).
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA).
US Department of Commerce.

Media partners: Euro Security
Business and Security in Russia
Security, Truth and Information (BDI)
Viedomosti (FT & the Wall Street Journal)
World of Security
Operativnoye Prykrytie
Daily News
Sovershenno Secretno
Professional Security

Special Events The Best Innovative Product Competition
MIPS 2003 Technical Awards Categories

  • Physical Security
  • Electronic Security
  • Fire Detection
  • Fire Fighting Integrated Systems
  • Personal Protection/Industrial Safety
Seminars and Presentations
(Please contact the organizers for more details)

Prices Space Only Stand (Minimum 24 sqm) US$ 240 m2
Equipped Stand (Minimum 12 sqm), US$ 300 m2

(incl. space, rear and side walls, fascia panel with the company name, carpet, table & 2 chairs, electricity connection and consumption (2kW), general aisle cleaning, pavilion security and, for each 12 m2, 1 plug socket (220v) and 3 spot lights,)

Surcharge: Inline Booth (Opening onto 1 aisle, min 12 sq m).

Corner (Opening onto 2 aisles, min 18 sq m) add 10% of basic rate.

Peninsular (Opening onto 3 aisles, min 36 sq m) add 15% of basic rate.

Island (Opening onto 4 aisles, min 60 sq m) add 20% of basic rate

Split Level (On request only, two stores supplement) add 50% of basic rate

Registration fee: US$ 500.00.
Registration fee for stand sharers: US$500.00.
Organiser contact: Project Manager
IIya Sobolev,

ITE Security Shows
105 Salusbury Road,
London NW6 6RG, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7596 5170
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7596 5128
E-mail: ilya.sobolev@ite-exhib