FR Yugoslavia

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ITE’s series of BiRE events caters for the reconstruction efforts required by defined territories throughout the Balkans. Companies from the fields of construction, transport, power, energy, utilities, computing and telecommunications use this unique platform to promote themselves. At each event, ITE has the support of the leading international financial organisations which provide the funding to rebuild these war-torn countries, such as The World Bank, European Commission, EBRD and USAID. BiRE (Bosnia) which has taken place annually since 1997, facilitates companies aiming to be involved with the rebuilding of the infrastructure in Bosnia-Herzegovina and measures over 3000 m2 in size. BiRE (Belgrade) which first took place in 1996 caters for the rebuild efforts in Serbia and Montenegro and measures over 3500 m2 in net exhibition space. BiRE (Balkans) was launched in 1999 and succeeded in delivering a first class event of over 1600 m2 aimed at the rebuild effort for Kosovo and Macedonia.
AgriFood is the leading food, drink, processing and agricultural event for Bosnia-Herzegovina. Occupying 1500 m2 of net exhibition space the event attracts exhibitors from Spain, France, Germany, Austria, UK, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Netherlands, Belgium and Turkey.