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Supported by The Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Serbia

ITE Group PLC is delighted to announce the launch of five exciting new trade fairs for sale and leasing of used machinery equipment. Specifically targeted at companies wishing to sell to manufactures that wish to start or increase production but have limited resources.

UMEL will break new ground and set unprecedented standards in the area of used machinery trade show. The significance of UMEL for exhibitors and visitors lies in the fact that, for the first time, small and medium sized companies will be given the opportunity to initiate industrial co-operation. Today, more than ever before, small and medium-sized businesses are having to contend withthe globalisation of market areas, by co-operating with efficient suppliers.

UMEL trade shows will also launch WEBCAST AUCTIONS to assist with the selling of machines and will also give exhibitors the opportunity to promote their web-sites at the Internet Café.


The Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Serbia supports UMEL and forms part of the project related to the self-employment program and development of small and medium enterprises of the official program of Serbia 2001 - 2003.

As FR Yugoslavia rebuilds its infrastructure under the newly elected government there will be great demand place on used machinery"

Ten years of economic sanctions and the war is over. The new democratic government of FR Yugoslavia is committed to play an active role in bringing peace and stability to the whole of the Balkan regions. With the full support of The European Union and The World Bank, UMEL 2001 exhibition has strategic objective to reconstruct and develop the Industrial sector as the base for the future development of economic and democratic changes in the Yugoslavia Federation and the whole Balkan region.

Where will UMEL Belgrade visitors come from?

A dedicated marketing promotion campaign is in place to attract key trade visitors from manufacturing companies who are interested in buying or leasing second hand and re-conditioned equipment and machinery for all industry sectors.

They will be attracted to the exhibition by carefully targeted visitor promotion campaign, which consists of the following:
  • Personal visits to key customers
  • International VIP Buyer Programme
  • Extensive Coverage in Show Media Partners publications (editorial articles, pre-and post show reports)
  • International Trade and General Press Advertising Campaign
  • Trade Press Coverage (trade magazines and newspapers, National Associations newsletters)
  • National Press Advertising (newspapers, general business publications, radio, TV)
  • Pre Show Press Conference
  • Billboards
  • ITE UMEL Web Site
  • Direct mailing campaign of over 80,000 complimentary tickets to potential buyers and specifiers via the Organisers and Exhibitors for each UMEL show.


    Overview Market Information News Updates Product Profile Venue