Sponsoring this high-level event is an excellent opportunity to raise the
profile of your company and to establish a clear presence in the Turkish
manufacturing markets.
This year we are delighted to be able to provide tailor-made sponsorship packages for your company that will combine any of the following elements in order to maximise your exposure at this event:
- Marketing through Branding and Advertising
- Networking Support
Sponsorship opportunities will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. If you would like to sponsor one of the listed events or receive further details, please fill in and return the form as soon as possible.
Click to view:
Official Show Sponsor
Internet Cafe
Evening Exhibition Gala Reception
Computerised Visitor / Exhibitor Registation area and Badges
VIP Lounge
Technical Seminar / Commercial Presentation
Press Office and Media Village
On-Site Route Planner
Official Show Plastic Carrier Bag
Other Options
Offical Show
Sponsor |
The organisers duties will be to promote the sponsors name along side the exhibition. All advertising and marketing will carry the name and logo of the sponsor, which include exhibitor, visitors, and trade association, embassies and government official&s campaigns. This is an excellent opportunity for the sponsor to promote their company to the key players from the manufacturing markets.
The Sponsor&s benefits:
- The Sponsors name & logo will appear on ALL TRADE SHOW
promotional literature.
- ITE & ITF will distribute the sponsors promotional literature
(provide by sponsor) when promoting TIME 2001 to exhibitors and visitors.
- The sponsor will be provided with 50 square meters of
space in a prime location.
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided
after the show. (available exclusively to the sponsors of TIME 2001)
- The name and logo of the sponsor will appear on the
front cover of the Official Catalogue/ Buyers Guide and on the home
page of the TIME 2001 web-site with live link to the sponsor's web-site.
- A full page of colour advertising will be included in
the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide
Internet Cafe |
This gives the sponsor the opportunity to really increase the company's
presence and website at the show. An area of around 30sqm in a prime location
will display the sponsors web-site from 10 computer terminals. An excellent
opportunity to promote the sponsors name & web-site.
The sponsor's benefits:
- Computer Terminal will be placed inside the Internet
Caf� and will display the sponsors web-site.
- The sponsor may decorate the Internet Caf�, including
the area above and around. (under the guidance of ITE & ITF and subject
to venue restrictions)
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided
after the show (available exclusively to the sponsors of TIME 2001).
- The name & logo of the Sponsor will appear in the Sponsor
Section of the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide and on the TIME 2001
web-site with live link to the sponsor's web-site.
- A full page of colour advertising will be included
in the Official Catalogue/ Buyers Guide
Evening Exhibition Gala Reception |
The organiser's duties such as invitations, booking of food, entertainment,
venue, etc. will be undertaken by ITE & ITF and all related costs will be
met by ITE & ITF. There will be catering for approximately 200 people, and
only the best food and drinks will be available. All exhibitors, conference
panel and delegates will be invited as well as VIP guests such as ministers,
government officials, embassy representatives, trade associations and leading
machine tool companies.
The Sponsor's benefits:
- The Sponsor may decorate the Banquet Hall and Reception
- The Sponsor may form the welcoming committee along with
ITE & ITF to greet guests and give a short welcoming speech.
- The Sponsor may distribute promotional literature/ gifts/
to the guests.
- The Sponsor will receive 10 Gala Reception tickets (the
sponsor is to provide a list of invitees)
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided
after the show (available exclusively to the sponsor of TIME 2001)
- The name and logo of the Sponsor will appear in the
Sponsor Section of the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide and on the TIME
2001 web-site with live link to the Sponsor's web site.
- A full page of colour advertising will be included in
the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide.
Computerised Visitor / Exhibitor Registration Area & Badges |
Located at the main entrance to the halls, the registration is designed
and built in co-operation with the sponsoring company. The area is a purpose
built module, which are staffed and fully equipped by ITE & ITF. It is an
ideal location for corporate branding and distribution of literature. The
people at the Registration Desk will be registering and issuing badges to
all VIP & trade visitors, exhibitors and the press.
The Sponsor's benefits:
- The Sponsor may decorate the Registration Desk, including
the area above and in front (under the guidance of ITE & ITF and subject
to the venue restrictions.
- ITF's administration staff, wearing uniforms provided
by the Sponsor (optional), will distribute the Sponsor's promotional
materials, merchandising and literature to all the visitors and exhibitors.
- The Sponsor may place their logo on the badges worn
by all VIP and trade visitors to the shows and the press.
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided
after the show (available exclusively to the sponsors of TIME 2001)
- The name & logo of the sponsor will appear in the Sponsor
Section of the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide and on the TIME 2001
web-site with live link to the Sponsor's web site.
- A full page of colour advertising will be included in
the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide.
VIP Lounge |
An area of around 40-60 sqm in a prime location, the VIP Lounge acts as a
relaxation area for VIP visitors, exhibitors, press and trade visitors.
Built, manned and equipped by ITE, options include a bar, private meeting
room and video facility.
The Sponsor's benefits:
- The Sponsor may decorate the VIP Lounge, including the area above and in front (under the guidance of ITE & ITF and subject to the venue restrictions.
- ITF's staff, wearing uniforms provided by the Sponsor (optional), will distribute the Sponsor's promotional materials, merchandising and literature to all the visitors and exhibitors entering the VIP Lounge
- The Sponsor may organise their meetings in the VIP Lounge. Closed-door meetings can be only set with prior consent of ITE & ITF.
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided after the show (available exclusively to the sponsors of TIME 2001)
- The name & logo of the Sponsor will appear in the Sponsor Section of the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide and on the TIME 2001 web-site with live link to the Sponsor's web site
- A full page of colour advertising will be included in the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide
Technical Seminar / Commercial Presentatio |
A Day will be dedicated to the Technical Seminars and Commercial Presentations by the exhibitors.
- The day is divided in 45-min slots for presentations with 15min breaks.
- Each seminar / presentation will be organised by the exhibitor with the assistance from ITE & ITF.
- The Exhibitor will invite representatives from the local markets and international companies.
- Each presenting company can book up to 4 slots and will be supplied with the microphone and OHP.
- The topics and schedule of presentations together with the logos of presenting compaines will be published on 30,000 complimentary invitations designed, printed and distributed by ITE & ITF.
- The seminar schedule and logos of the presenting companies will be published in the Official Catalogue / Buyers Guide and on the TIME 2001 web site.
Press Office and Media Village |
The Press-office will represent prominent Local publications dealing with the machine tool industry. All visitors interested in new publications will visit the Media Village to get copies of magazines and information and to talk to the representatives of the trade media. The representatives of the media will have an access to the Press Office to prepare their reports.
The Sponsor's benefits:
- The Sponsor will have their name and logo at the entrance to Media Village and in the Press-Office.
- The Sponsor will have an opportunity to have their advertising materials on display in the Press-Office and Media Village.
- The Sponsor may organise their meetings in the press-office.
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided after the show (available exclusively to the sponsors of TIME 2001)
- The name & logo of the Sponsor will appear in the Sponsor Section of the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide and on the TIME 2001 web-site with live link to the Sponsor's web site.
- A full page of colour advertising will be included in the Official Catalogue and Buyers Guide.
On-Site Route Planner |
10,000 full colour on-site route planners which will guide visitor through the exhibition. Distributed to trade professionals, VIP visitors, trade association and commercial departments of the embassies, exhibitors and press, this offers an excellent opportunity to place a company logo and highlight the stand position.
The Sponsor's benefits:
- The sponsors name and logo will be displayed prominently
on the cover of the on-site route planner and along the base of each
page, proclaiming them as the official sponsor of the show.
- The sponsor's logo will highlight their stand position
on the on-site route planner.
- The sponsor may insert a full colour advert on to the
on-site route planner.
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided
after the show (available exclusively to the sponsors of TIME 2001)
- The name and logo of the Sponsor will appear in the
Sponsor Section of the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide and on the TIME
2001 web-site with live link to the Sponsor's web site.
- A full page for colour advertising will be given within
the Show Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide.
Official Show Plastic Carrier Bag
This is a unique and one-off product that supports the exhibition, and is the most cost effective and visual ways to promote a company's presence at the show, as well as generating corporate awareness after the exhibition through general usage in the public domain.
The Sponsor's benefits:
- 10,000 bags with the Sponsor's branding will be produced and distributed by ITE & ITF to VIP and trade visitors, exhibitors and the press.
- Sponsor will have a unique opportunity to deliver their promotional literature to every visitor to the show though carrier bag insertions.
- The list of all registered visitors will be provided after the show (available exclusively to the sponsors of TIME 2001)
- The logo of the Sponsor will appear in the Sponsor Section of the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide and on the TIME 2001 web-site with live link to the Sponsor's web site.
- A full page of colour advertising will be included in the Official Catalogue/Buyers Guide.
Other Options
Banner, Signs, Directional Boards, Flags and Posters
Located at strategic points though out an exhibition complex (both inside and outside the pavilions), these advertising vehicles can really increase a company's presence and visitor awareness at a show.
Sponsoring one of the many merchandising products including T-shirts, base-ball caps, key rings, note pads and corporate gifts etc. a company can further promote their association with a leading industry event and enhance their corporate image by including their company logo or message along with the show logo on these products.
We are prepared to accommodate any request that is feasible as a sponsorship / marketing package from air-balloons to inflatable animals to people walking around dressed in fancy dress etc. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Darryl Pawsey at:
Tel +44 (0) 20 7596 5210
Fax +44 (0) 20 7596 5128
E-mail [email protected]