MACTOOLS 6    3rd - 7th May 2001

About Event: The 6th Pan-Arab/African Exhibition for machine and hand tools system, components and safety equipment.

Exhibition Venue: Cairo International Fair Ground, Cairo, Egypt

Contact: [email protected]

Web Address:

TIME 2001    26th - 30th September 2001

About Event: Turkey International Manufacturing exhibition.

Exhibition Venue: CNR, Istanbul, Turkey

Contact: [email protected]

Web Address: ../../../it

IMAK-TATEF 2002   25th - 29th September 2002

About Event: 10th International Machine tools and Metal Working Exhibition

Exhibition Venue: CNR, Istanbul, Turkey

Contact: [email protected]

Web Address:

Supported by :
MIB: Assocition of Turkish Machine Manufactures.
        (CECIMO members since1999).
TIAD: Machine Tool Businessman's Association.