IMAK-TATEF 2002 is the largest and most important Machine Tool exhibition in Turkey. It is fully supported by MIB, The Turkish Machine Manufacturers Association and TIAD, The Machine Tool Businessmen Association.

IMAK and TATEF, two formerly independent shows successfully merged into IMAK-TATEF in 2000 by ITE Group Plc - the most proficient exhibition organiser in emerging markets.

MIB became a member of CECIMO (European Committee for Co-operation of the Machine Tool Industries) in 1999. Making Turkey the 15th CECIMO member country.

Why Participate at IMAK-TATEF 2002.
  • You have an opportunity to meet even more trade professionals as IMAK-TATEF 2002 is extensively promoted within Turkey and all neighbouring countries through specialised trade publications, TV, Radio, national, regional and international business press. IMAK-TATEF 2002 will become a regional show bringing more visitors to you.

  • You get a better quality trade visitors as a result of targeted promotion to key decision makers in Turkey and the whole region via trade associations and chambers of commerce. The Organisers are arranging direct mailing campaign to over 250,000 companies covering Automotive, Aircraft Construction, Electronics & Electrotechnics, Metal Working, Military Hardware, Mining, Power, Shipping and White Goods industries.

  • You obtain more business, find out how local industry works, match there needs with your products and position yourself as a market leader, by meeting more and better quality visitors.

  • You can market your product in the most cost-effective way where it can be put on display down to the finest detail. ITE Group Plc and our Turkish partners ITF working closely with MIB and TIAD provide you with all the marketing and promotional tools you need to make your participation a success.

  • You will be in good company at IMAK-TATEF 2002 as more and more leading international companies and National Machinetool Associations are joining the exhibition since it became a CECIMO event.