Press Release - 20 April 2000


Interiors Moscow 2000, the leading interiors event in the CIS, took place for the 5th consecutive year on the 4 - 7 April at the Krasnaya Presnya Expo Center, Moscow. Lawrie Lewis, Chairman of organising company ITE, Alex Bernstein, Executive Director of ITE and A.N. Marshev, Vice President of Gosstroy, formally opened the event. Mr. Marshev spoke highly of Interiors Moscow, commenting on the excellent effect it has had on the Russian interiors market.

Organisers ITE were pleased to welcome 165 exhibitors from 30 countries to the event. National groups from the UK, France, Poland, Finland, Austria and Slovenia were also present at Interiors Moscow. Many exhibitors demonstrated their strong commitment to the show by booking space in advance for Interiors Moscow 2001. Exhibitor support was further confirmed by the general response to the show; Miroslaw Jucha, Sales Manager at Rockfon for example, commented; "There is excellent potential here and we have very high hopes. The visitors are very specialised which is what we need."

Many exhibitors took the opportunity to launch new product lines at the show; companies that did so included Forbo, one of the leading names in PVC floorings, who introduced the new 'Fortuna' domestic collection and additional lines from the 'Novilux' collection. Tarkett Sommer introduced their laminate and commercial carpet and PVC ranges and Vima Termoacustica presented their wide range of suspended metal ceilings in a range of sizes and colours. Exhibitors welcomed a strong trade audience, the majority of whom had purchasing authority; visitors included architects, interior designers, specifiers, distributors, retailers, and agents.

Other highlights at Interiors Moscow included the competition for 'Best Russian Stand' and 'Best International Stand'. The winner of the former prize was Armstrong and of the latter prize was Erfurt. The award ceremony took place at the relevant stand and involved presenting stand managers with a trophy for their contribution towards making the event attractive and memorable.

Show Director Paul Blackford commented on the huge success of the show saying; "The atmosphere at this years Interiors Moscow was amazing! You could really sense the optimism of the exhibiting companies as business was being conducted and expectations were being met. Companies were very impressed with the growth and development of the show and the high standard of visitors coming to their stands."

Interiors Moscow 2001 will take place from the 10 - 13 April, at the Krasnaya Presnya Expo Center, Moscow.

Should you include this information in your publication, please forward a copy to Paul Blackford at:

ITE Group Plc Phone: +44 20 7596 5000
105 Salusbury Road Fax: +44 20 7596 5100
London, NW6 6RG, UK. E-mail: [email protected]