Interiors Kiev as part of KievBuild was launched in response to the Ukraine's rapid expansion in its domestic and commercial infrastructure.

Until a few years ago, companies active in the Ukraine were happy to allow their operations to be supervised from their established offices in Moscow. This however was made increasingly difficult by the Ukrainian authorities, and it is now virtually impossible to operate an effective export drive into the Ukraine without establishing a point of distribution or an agent there.

Interiors Kiev helps companies do just this. In its first edition in June 1997, KievBuild attracted over 120 companies from 20 countries, who were put into contact with 11,500 trade visitors. Interiors Kiev was launched in 1998 to help more than double the size of KievBuild'98. This clearly demonstrates the strength and importance of the Ukrainian building industry to government supported trade associations as well as private companies.

Many companies are now targeting the CIS states as an alternative to Russia while the Russian economy remains in its delicate state. Although the economy in the Ukraine is still in need of growth, the signs continue to be very good. Last year alone, the Ukraine has been awash with official visits from world leaders that include President Jacques Chirac, and Austrian Federal Chancellor Klima, both of whom were in the Ukraine to encourage bi-lateral economic relations, and support the application for an IMF credit.

As well as the IMF credit, the Ukraine is currently receiving support from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, working to attract foreign investors for projects in private and state owned companies. Indeed foreign investment is on the increase. In the first half of 1998 foreign investment was up 54% compared to the same period last year.

Much of this investment is targeted at the construction industry. The Black Sea coast has been the object of much development as new hotels, dachas and summer houses are being built to further promote tourism in this area. The need for good quality office space in Kiev and other main cities in Ukraine has resulted in countless refurbishment projects on existing buildings as well as the construction of new office blocks. Interiors Kiev is the most cost-effective way to bring you into contact with buyers, specifiers, distributors, agents, city planners, architects, engineers and Ministers to ensure that your company becomes involved with the growing construction industry throughout the Ukraine.