Moscow's Leading International Interior Design, Furnishings and Finishes Exhibition
moves to Krasnaya Presnya!
Decotex 2000, Moscow's international home textiles and wallcoverings exhibition will also be held in Pavilion 3 at Expo Centr from
4 - 7 April 2000. This brings it back alongside Interiors Moscow and Russia Building Week making an even bigger attraction for visitors to both shows.
Supported by the key government bodies including the State Committee for Construction and Housing and Moscom Architektura, Interiors Moscow forms an integral part of Russia Building Week, the leading event for the the Interiors industry. The 1999 show once again proved a big hit with exhibitors and visitors alike with over 84% of exhibitors rating the show as very good or good even in these more difficult times.
Names including:
AB Gustaf Kahr, ABB, Agrob-Buchtal, Airscreens, Albes JSC, Albrecht Jung, Alloc, AMF- Mineralplatten, Amig, Amorim Baltija, Amorim International, Anam, Anvil Trading, Arescork, Arkada, Arkelio, Armstrong, Arstyl, Artoleum, AS Arxel, Atex-Werke, ATO Findley, Azbe, Azcoaga, Balt Cork, Balta, Beaulieu of America, Berclon, Bertrancork, Blanke, Bolix & Atlas, Bor Glassworks, Bovelacci, Brintons, BS Bauprogrammhandel, Buflon-Solvay, Carpet Centre, CBCE, CC- Dr Schutz, Ceilhil, Century, Ceric, Chempack, Citadel 2011, Classen, Climaflex, Color Expert Finland, Contract Stroy, Cork Interier, Cork Style, Coronet Industries, Dalflex, Danish Vest-Wood Group, DB Manager, Decolux, Decora, Decorum, Derevomassiv, DI Concept, DLW, DNA, Dnepromain Aozt, Domicet Oy, Domo, Domostyl, Dufa Beckers, Dusar, Duwills, DVA ZAO, Easy help, Ecologyl Home, Ecoskan, Eljo, Elso, EMCG, EMO Forg, Enran Amor, ERC, Espace Production International, ETK, Euro Stroi, Euro Tapis, Euroflex, Europor Ges fuer Kunststofferzeugnisse, Eurostyle, Expo Biuro Promocji Zagranicznej, Export Group Kalustetehtaat, Fabra Trade, Fenix, Fiboloc, Fin Tex Oy, Finland Trade Centre, Firma Rio, Floor Universal, Floorever, Forbo Floorcoverings, Forbo Forshaga, Forbo Krommenie, Forbo Nairn, Forbo Novilon, Forum Electro, Four Rooms, Four Seasons Solar Products, Gerflor, Greenhome, Gyproc, Hanwha, Hightech, Hornitex, Ideas For Your Home, InsulTube, Isotube, Isovar, Justor, Juteks, Kensapuu, KHG, Kiilto-Klein, Kilsgaard, Knauf, Kombimetal, Krokus Trade, Kronospan, Kronotex Fussboden, KS Kunststoffe Import-Export, Lagom, Langmoem Parkett, Laverna, Lentex, Lexel Elektromaterialy, Linosom, Liuon, Makroflex, Marbet, Marburg, Marmoleum, Mars 2001, Martin Firm, Master Floor, MCM, Melnofloor, Melnox Kronowood, Mermet, Miridium, Modulight, Mosstroyplastmass, Mr Doors, Multimobil, Nelca, Nex, Nikpa, NMC, Nomastyl, Nordic Deco, Oliver Master, Onix, Only, Ormis, Osram, OVI Hollola,Oy Primo Finland, Palgal, Parador, Parquet Hall, Pattijoen Kalustetekhukka, Pergo, Perstorp, Perstorp Iki Oy, Philips, Praktikus, Probkovaya Kompaniya, Prodax, Pufas, PVH, Quick Step, Raduga, Raute Wood, RBBK, RG Stroy, Richter System, Riks Interior, Rimskaya Mozaika, Rocersa, Rollover, RSK, Russky Svetoch, Rusticolle, Rustipaint, Rustiver, Saarpor Klaus Eckhardt, Saga-bis, Salon Interior, Samplon, Saturn, Saxon Kronostep, Schaeffer Deckenplatten, Schuller, Schulz, Semin, Server, Sinteros, Sintertreid, Skify, Sokeva, Sommer, Somvyl, Sotex, Soyuzplastform, SPA, Spetselektromontazh, Stala, Standart's, Stanley Works, Steklodizain, Styropor, Sunscreen, Supra, Swibou, Taberstar, Tapiflex, Tapisom, Tarkett, Tecsom, Tell, Tesa, Topnyl, Tuftline, Tulikivi, Unilin Decor, Universal System of Floors, Upofloor, Urfic, USG Interiors East, Uzin Utz, Van Leeuwen, Venta, Vespero Garbo, Vetonit, Viatek, Vima Termoacustica, Virss, Visual, VMT-M, Wagner Systems, Werner Mueller, Westex, Wilckens Forben, Wilh. Ritterrath, Wirapolaros, Wirebo, Witex, Wolff, Za mel, ZAO Ecophon.
The fair is now well enough established to attract all the key players.
Nelca NV
We made excellent business contacts.
We made some good contacts, in particular from the Ukraine. I sensed a feeling of inherent optimism.
Herr Schwanhold,
Wilckens Farben
We had visitors from all over Russia and the CIS.
A lot of interest was shown by wholesales, retailers and consumers in our collection of rugs.
Many buyers from CIS regions.
Hanwha Chemical Corp
We have fulfilled our objectives.