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A leading organiser of international trade exhibitions and conferences Read more >>
Building, Leveraging, Growing & Investing
Connecting Your Business to the World
Specialists in emerging and growing markets
The Q1 Interim Management Statement reports trading in line with management expectations for the first three months of the financial year. Continue Reading... 28/01/2016
ITE Asia has acquired a 70% stake in the organiser of the Fastener Expo in Shanghai and Guangzhou. Continue Reading... 20/01/2016
Breakbulk Europe has been named as the ITE ‘Event of the Year’ for 2015. Continue Reading... 08/01/2016
Our year-end results presentation is available to view as a webcast Continue Reading... 01/12/2015
Today, we've announced our preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2015 where we have delivered a solid performance despite a challenging trading environment. Continue Reading... 01/12/2015
Today, we have announced the acquisition of a further 31.7% of shares in the Mumbai-based organiser, ABEC. This is in addition to the minority stake of 28.3% that was acquired in 2012 and takes the total holding to 60%. Continue Reading... 03/11/2015
Today, we have issued the following update for the year ended 30 September 2015, prior to entering our close period and ahead of the preliminary results announcement on 1 December 2015. Continue Reading... 02/11/2015
Today we are announcing that Neil Jones has informed the Board of his intention to resign from his position of Chief Financial Officer. Continue Reading... 16/10/2015
Trade events often respond well to dynamic phases of industry development, even when the headwinds are less than favourable. This was certainly true at the recent edition of WorldFood Moscow... Continue Reading... 02/10/2015
In March 2015, we acquired a majority stake in a series of oil and gas industry events, the largest of which was Africa Oil Week - and it's shaping-up well despite global oil prices being at their lowest in six years. Continue Reading... 28/08/2015
We have recently made three senior management changes to strengthen our business around key areas of strategic development. Continue Reading... 10/08/2015
Our trading for the third quarter of the financial year was in line with management’s expectations. Revenues in the three month period to 30 June 2015 were £58m. Continue Reading... 14/07/2015