WESTERN - Hong Kong Island
Century Hotel
Jaffe Road
Wan Chai
Tel: 2598 8888
Several good places here. Jaffes Italian restaurant is good for entertaining. The mezzanine floor does a good roast beef lunch, and in the lobby at lunchtimes there is a buffet where you can make your own sandwiches. The main restaurant does a particularly good breakfast buffet.
Prince of Wales
Sun Hung Kai Centre
Wan Chai
Quieter than most pubs in Wan Chai. Serves chips, pies, beer, sausages - good British food and British beer.
The Gallery
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
6th Floor
Wan Chai
Tel: 2582 7238
Does a very good lunch time buffet. Recommended. The view of Victoria Harbour is now obscured by the extension of the Convention Centre, but it is still worth a visit.
Island Shangri-la Hotel
Tel; 2820 8591
Does a great buffet lunch in very pleasant surroundings on the top floor. Great view if there is not too much pollution. Book ahead for a window seat.