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Hong Kong: Asia's Lucrative Trading Hub

Since 1989, imports to Hong Kong have outpaced its exports. Hong Kong's achievements as an international trading, finance and manufacturing centre are well-known and widely documented. The territory is one of the world's largest consumers of foreign goods. Its lack of natural resources make the territory heavily dependent on imports.

Low taxes, a sound legal and financial system, a secure currency pegged to the US dollar and a well-developed infrastructure and telecommunications network have each helped contribute to Hong Kong's success as a free and dynamic market.

Over the past 20 years, the territory's economy has expanded four-fold. Its trade in goods has soared by a factor of 37 and services by 24 over that period, Hong Kong one of the greatest cities in the world for doing business.

Confectionery Demand Up in the Pacific Rim

  • Demand for confectionery in the Pacific Rim has risen by just over 11% since 1993
  • 893,346 tonnes of confectionery were sold in the region in 1999
  • Regional consumption of confectionery is forecast to grow by just over 14% by     2005
  • Consumption of chewing gum and bubble gum driven by growing demand for sugar     free gum is forecast to experience the highest growth out of all three sectors

    Confectionery: Pacific Rim Market Size and Growth, 1993 - 2005

    . Chocolate Sugar % Chewing Gum % 93 -99 % 95-05 %
    Hong Kong 62.4 28.4 9.2 14.9 10.6
    Indonesia 13.5 79.9 6.5 60.7 52.5
    Japan 50.0 39.0 11.0 -3.6 3.0
    Malaysia 29.3 67.7 3.0 24.8 42.3
    Philippines 41.5 55.0 3.5 52.0 10.1
    Singapore 35.9 64.1 - 12.6 12.3
    South Korea 21.7 36.5 41.7 17.1 6.9
    Taiwan 21.7 60.1 18.3 -9.2 7.3
    Thailand 76.4 7.6 16.0 46.8 98.7
    TOTAL 35.4 49.1 15.4 11.1 14.1

    Confectionery Production up in the Pacific Rim

  • The region's confectionery production sector is rapidly expanding and taking up a prominent position in the food industry.
  • The gross profitability rate in the confectionery production sector is over 6.5%, exceeding by far the average gross profitability in the Asian industry of 4.9%.
  • There are over 3,000 manufacturers of confectionery products operating in the Asian market with sales of over 1 billion US dollars.
  • The Asian domestic food manufacturing market is expected to grow between 4 and 5% over the next 5 years.
  • In 1999, imports of food processing and packaging machinery were estimated at $900 million.