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Exhibitors at Sweetsexpo / SweetsTech Expo Asia 2000

A.B.I.C.A.B - Brazilian Confectionery Manufacturers Association Chocolate / Confectionery
Africa Trade Promotion, South Africa Association
Alimenticios Sasse Ltd, Brazil Candies / Coffee
Asia Food Tech Magazine, Malaysia Trade Publications
Asia Medialine (M) Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Trade Publications
Balas Boavistense SA, Brazil Candies
Balas Florestal SA, Brazil Candies
Baskan Gida San Ve Pazarlama AS, Turkey Hazelnut Producers For Confectionery / Chocolate
Batook Chewing Gum, Saudi Arabia Chewing Gum
Cabrellon S.R.L, Italy Chocolate
Camera Di Commercio Italo-Cinese, Italy Italian Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Candy Industry, UK Trade Publication
Candy Land, Pakistan Chocolate / Candies / Toffees / Bubble Gums / Jellies
Cavendish & Harvey Confectionery GmbH, Germany Candies In Tin / Glass Jars
Chamber of Food Industries, Egypt Association
Chiapton Food Industries, Hong Kong Gift Packaging For Confectionery
Chocolates Garoto SA, Brazil Chocolates
Cioccolato Pejrano, Italy Chocolate
Comestibles Aldor SA, Brazil Bubble Gum Filled Lollipops
Connexion Export, South Africa Novelty Chocolates; Sugar Coated / Hard Boiled Sweets
Covertina, Egypt Confectionery, Chocolates
Dekoris By Cove SRL, Italy Cake Decorations
Dori Industria, Brazil Candies; Confectionery; Jellies
Dunya 93 Foreign Trade Co., Turkey Jelly Gums; Bubble Gums
Dynamic Trade Exports, South Africa Samosas; Sauces
Egyptian Marketing Centre, Egypt Chocolate; Confectionery
Embare Industrias Alimentcias AS, Brazil Milk Based Candies
Gandour, Philippines Chocolate; Confectionery; Biscuits
Hleks Confectionery, Turkey Confectionery
Honey Well, Egypt Chocolate; Confectionery; Biscuits
Indaco S.P.A, Italy Chocolate; Confectionery; Bakery
Kennedy's Publications Ltd, UK Trade Publication
Khayri Kallas & Sons International, Syria Chewing Gum
Kloeckner Haensel Far East Plc Ltd, Singapore Chocolate; Confectionery; Biscuit Equipment
Kraft Lacta Suchard, Brazil Chocolate
Macy's Candies Limited, Hong Kong Chocolate; Chinese Confectionery; Cookies; Syrup
Mondomix BV, The Netherlands Aerated Technology For Chocolate And Biscuit Cream; Marshmallow
Orang Tua Group, Indonesia Confectionery; Wafer
P.T Manna Group, Indonesia Confectionery
Park Lane Confectionery, Germany Chocolate; Confectionery; Biscuits; Bakery
Peccin Industria De Balas Ltda, Brazil Confectionery
P.F.M Spa - Packaging Machinery, Italy Chocolate, Confectionery, Biscuits, Pastry, Bakery Technology
Pinnacle Promotions, South Africa Hard Boiled Sweets; Biscuits; Nuts/Snacks
Pionir, Yugoslavia
Plasticsam Ltd, Hong Kong Trade Publication
Praline Chocolates P/L, Australia Chocolate
Premier Packaging - Roman Bauermefeind, Germany Packaging/ Corrugated Packaging
Ragold Inc, USA Chocolate, Confectionery
Roman Bauernfeind, Hong Kong Packaging
Rosina Chocolate, Egypt Chocolate
SIG Pack Sapal SA, Switzerland Chocolate; Confectionery Wrapping Machines
Solen Cikolata Gida Sanyi Ve Tickaret AS, Turkey Chocolate; Biscuits; Bubble Gums
Stancho Kolev Ltd, Bulgaria Chocolate; Biscuits; Ice Cream Coatings
Swareen for Chocolate and Confectionery, Syria Chocolate; Candies; Biscuits
Turkish Hazelnut Promotion Group, Turkey Hazelnuts
Ulker Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS, Turkey Chocolate; Confectionery; Biscuits; Bakery; Pastry
Wing Cheong Engineering (HK) Ltd, Hong Kong Packaging Machinery
Zeta Espacial, Spain Confectionery