Cairo International Packaging Development Congress
"Optimising Productivity in the Integrated Packaging Systems"
3rd - 4th September 2001, Cairo International Convention Centre
The 8th Cairo International Packaging Development Congress (CIPDC 8) takes place on 3rd and 4th September, 2001 to coincide with the International African-Arab Paper, Printing and Packaging Processing Week (IAAPW) at the Cairo International Convention Centre.
This major international congress has confirmation of full support and attendance from the Prime Minister of Egypt, H.E. Prof. Dr. Atef Ebeid; deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, H.E. Prof, Dr. Yousef Wali; Minister of Industry and Technology Development, H.E. Dr. Eng. Moustafa Elrifaee; and Minister of Economy and Foreign Commerce, H.E. Prof. Dr. Yousef Boutros Ghali; as well as from the World Packaging Organisation; the Asian Packaging Federation; and the China Chamber of International Commerce.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Dr. Narayanan, Vice President of the World Packaging Organisation
- Mr. John Webb-Jenkins, chief executive of the IOP
- Mr. Jens-Christian Sorensen, Director of the Packaging and Transport Centre of the Danish Technological Institute
- Mr. Alabrune, business manager of flexible packaging of ExxonMobil
- Mr. Rafflenbeul, founder and managing director of the engineering company, Rafflenbeul Ingenieure
- Mr. Amdi El Sisi, Chairman of SICKLAM
CIPDC 8 will provide a unique platform to discuss key packaging issues. Companies, industry specialists and academics will meet during the two day congress to exchange market information and learn of the latest innovations and products within the packaging sector. CIPDC 8 presents itself as an excellent opportunity to share valuable data, gain the views of experts and make direct business contacts within the packaging industry.
Senior level executives will cover key issues, which will include the following:
- Introduction to the Integrated Packaging Systems Concept: New Developments and Emerging Trends
- Changing Egyptian Legislation: The Issues and Solutions of Balancing the Sub-Systems
- Conservation of Resources and Energy within the Packaging Industry
- Modern Design and Technology Approaches in Packaging Systems
- Investment Focus: Human Resources Development within the Industry
- Optimising Productivity in Packaging Systems
The event will also be hosting the Egyptian Packaging Development Association (EPDA) Star Awards, which will be an award given to the most innovative new development within the packaging industry. This will be an event that both international and local companies alike can enter into, the winner will then be put forward as a contender for the World Star Awards which will be taking place in Cairo in 2003.
ITE would like to invite your own experts to make a presentation on any of the listed topics that your company excels in. We are looking for presentations that are based upon your own experiences within the market, possibly case-studies, and preference will be given to those presentations which offer demonstrable solutions to the real concerns and issues facing the delegates. There should be no overt marketing or sales pitches included in the presentation.
The conference also provides a number of unique sponsorship opportunities which will enable maximum exposure at the CIPDC 8 conference.
Please contact Daniel Wingard at ITE for more information: