ITE Group Plc,...105 Salusbury Road,..
London,..NW6 6RG,..UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7596 5000....Fax:
+44 (0) 20 7596 5111 E-mail:
[email protected]
James Napier -
Elaine Yip -
Nigel Barnish -
Director of the Food Division
Project Co-ordinator
Technical Manager
L&A; Moscow,..Dolgorukovskay St 18,..
Building 3,..Moscow 103006,Russia...
Tel: +7 095 935 7350....Fax: +7 095 935 7351
E-mail:..[email protected]
E-mail:..[email protected]
Contact: Masha Afanasiva
ITE Spain..Pza.Descubridor Diego de Ordas, 1,..
Escalera 2, Planta 2D, 28003..Madrid, Spain...
Tel: +34 1 441 6266....Fax: +34 1 441 6549
Contact: Juan Villareal
ITE Turkey..Birlik Sok No. 8,
Nevin Arican, Plaza Kat 1, Daire 2.1 levant,..
Istanbul, Turkey...
Tel: +90 212 270 0408....
Fax: +90 212 270 0292
E-mail:..[email protected]
Contact: Dennis Smith