Buyers who pre-register for DRINKS RUSSIA 2000 will not only benefit from the fast-track entry but also, the VIP invite will entitle you to a free copy of the DRINKS RUSSIA catalogue.
A brief fact file of DRINKS RUSSIA 2000 . (Dates, location, size of the show, etc).
Exhibitor List
List of companies participating at DRINKS RUSSIA 2000.
Products & Services Theme
Listing of the product range available at INTERFOOD POLAND 2000.
Buyers Guide
Get a preview of the show. See details about the companies exhibiting at DRINKS RUSSIA 2000. Complete with contact details and their products to arrange meetings before your trip.
News Update
This area will feature the latest press releases and news of participating companies at DRINKS RUSSIA 2000. Information about special events taking place during the exhibition period will also be featured here.
Venue & Location
Complete information about the venue and location of DRINKS RUSSIA 2000.
Travel Details
Details about accommodation and travel contacts you may need to plan your visit to DRINKS RUSSIA 2000.
Welcome Letter
Welcome letter for Interfood Poland 2000 (available one month to the show).