TransUral 2018

21-23 November, 2018
TransUral is the Ural's region's leading specialised trade event for transportation and logistics services and product providers seeking to promote themselves to freight forwarding contract decision makers and purchasers.

The Sverdlovsk region ranks 3rd among the regions and territories of the Russian Federation in terms of retail sales volume, and 6th in terms of industrial production volume. A growing flow of goods from manufacturers to consumers, and transit freights passing via Yekaterinburg help to build up a large market for logistics providers.

The purpose of the TransUral is to satisfy a growing demand in the Ural region for quality transportation and logistics services, rolling stock, and transportation technologies.

Thematic Areas of the Exhibition:

- Transportation and logistics services;
- Transportation vehicles and rolling stock;
- Transportation and logistics infrastructure and equipment;
- Information logistics technologies.

Contact details

Organiser: ITE Moscow
Telephone: +7 (343) 380-22-80