Textile Expo Uzbekistan 2018

11-13 September, 2018
The Central Asian International Exhibition “TextileExpo Uzbekistan” is a part of a series of specialized textile and fashion exhibitions held by ITE Group plc and its partners in Europe and the CIS countries, including such professional industrial exhibitions as Moda UK (the UK), Bubble London (the UK), SibFair / Siberian Fashion Week (Russian Federation) and others.

TextileExpo Uzbekistan is the only specialized trade exhibition for textile and fashion in Uzbekistan with international professional participants and visitors.

The Special Buyer Program has been launched since 2011 to attract professional visitors – wholesale and retails buyers and customers willing to purchase Uzbek textile products and place orders in Uzbekistan.

Contact details

Organiser: ITE Uzbekistan
Telephone: + (998 71) 205 18 18