Education Siberia 2018

15-17 March, 2018
The exhibition provides an opportunity to demonstrate the full range of educational services in sectors of preschool, general secondary, higher and additional educational institutions, language schools, equipment, furniture and educational materials.

Benefits of exhibition

• Opportunity to increase sales of demonstrated equipment, furniture and materials through direct talks with directors of educational institutions
• Present the educational institution to pupils and their parents interested in making a choice of higher or medium educational institution
• Attraction of new flow of undergraduate applicants
• Opportunity to submit the unique pedagogic project to “Golden medal” contest

Benefits of visiting
• Opportunity to choose supplies of equipment, furniture and educational materials to support of academic activities
• Make o choice of secondary/postsecondary professional institutions
• Be aware of the best educational practices of the “Golden medal” pedagogic projects Contest, share experience with colleagues and establish professional contacts.

Contact details

Organiser: ITE Siberia
Telephone: +7 383 363 00 63