Dates: April 23-26, 2002
Venue: Expocenter at Krasnaya Presnya, Moscow, Russia
Expo Profile:
Photo Publishing Expo will be reborn as a separate section at Comtek Expo. It
became obvious that traditional Photo Publishing Expo needed to enlarge. In 2002,
it will include a section for offset equipment to showcase offset printing machines,
and a complete range of equipment related to print production. The show organizers
will mail personal invitations to major printing companies, printing shops, managers
and directors.
The following seminars and workshops will be conducted at Photo Publishing Expo: Perspectives of Digital Print and Colours and Consumables for Offset Equipment.
Photo Publishing Expo will attract printing professionals, advertising agents, printing houses, design studios, as well as regional dealers.
Products to be featured:
- Printing Equipment
- Pre Press Equipment
- Print Forms
- Offset and Post Print Equipment
- Digital Copying Systems
- Printing Equipment
- Printing Software
- Consumables
- Papers and Cardboard Suppliers
- Digital Cameras
- Services
- Training
- Maintenance and Warranty Services