ITE has hosted the BIRE exhibition in Belgrade for the last 10 seasons, with the event growing stronger and more reputable with each event, and always organised in close contact with the Yugoslav Government in order that the exhibition is of direct assistance in rebuilding the country's infrastructure and economy.

The 2001 Exhibitor Survey at BIRE shows the following:

Exhibitions have proved to be the most cost-effective method of meeting clients face-to-face. There is no other medium that allows buyers that three-dimensional aspect of being able to see, touch and compare the products they are looking to purchase.

By exhibiting, companies can discuss with visitors the most suitable and cost effective solution to their requirements on a one to one basis. Visitors are exposed to products and services that meet their demands and exhibitors have an outstanding opportunity to add new clients and maximise profits on that basis.

ITE takes pride in hosting informative and productive events for both exhibitors and visitors. When exhibiting at an ITE event, you can be sure that you are dealing with a professional and established exhibition organiser, who will guide you into new territories and expose profitable export potential.