BEGIN:vCalendar METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:vEvent DTSTAMP:20180130T204644Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20181031 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20181103 LOCATION:ATAKENT EXHIBITION CENTRE DESCRIPTION:HOREX is the Central-Asian International Exhibition of everything for hotels, restaurants, supermarkets. Sections of the Exhibition: - Technological equipment for restaurants, hotels, supermarkets - Complex rigging of trade companies, catering, hotels, bakeries, confectioneries - Refrigerating and trade equipment - Fastfood and catering systems - Vending Coffee and coffee-mashines - Dishes and utensils - Furniture and carpets for hotels, restaurants and clubs - Textile and uniforms - Foodstuff and drinks for HoReCa - Software solutions for hotel and restaurant business - Professional cleaning, hygienic technologies SUMMARY:HoRex Kazakhstan 2018 PRIORITY:3 BEGIN:vAlarm TRIGGER:P0DT0H15M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:vAlarm END:vEvent END:vCalendar