BEGIN:vCalendar METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:vEvent DTSTAMP:20171124T170409Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180426 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20180428 LOCATION:EXHIBITION CENTRE KORME DESCRIPTION:KIOSH is a key exhibition for occupational health and safety products in Kazakhstan.The event is a unique opportunity to demonstrate new equipment and technologies for public and industrial safety. This is a chance to read and study the business activities of competitors and their products and services, to assess the supply and demand of the market, sign lucrative deals and contracts.The exhibition showcases a large range of personal protective equipment: special clothing, supplies for special clothes, special footwear, fabrics and materials for protective clothing, respirators, hard hats, goggles, gloves, measuring devices, protective equipment for construction and industrial climbing, air purification systems, collective protection, as well as the latest innovations in this area. SUMMARY:KIOSH Conference 2018 PRIORITY:3 BEGIN:vAlarm TRIGGER:P0DT0H15M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:vAlarm END:vEvent END:vCalendar