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Press Release - September 1999


KazBuild'99, Kazakhstan's 6th International Building and Construction Exhibition held at the Atakent International Exhibition Centre in Almaty, attracted almost 11,000 visitors during its four day duration, 7-10 September.

Kazbuild once again incorporated Interiors Kazakhstan'99 covering interior design, furnishings and finishes and Heat*Vent Kazakhstan 99 covering air-conditioning, heating and refrigeration. These sectors attracted a balanced mix of trade visitors.

The show boasted the best ever outdoor exhibition displays from companies including R.E.I.S. & Co, Black & Decker, Hilti & Leica Centre and CJSC Buran Boiler. Also, for the first time there were group stands from Finland and Iran.

The high quality visitor audience underlines the continuing popularity of the show for local representatives and trade buyers to source new suppliers and business contacts in the building, interiors and heating/ventilation sectors in Kazakhstan and neighbouring central Asian countries.

Success was reported from international and regional exhibitors alike, as new business relationships were started. Business activity was busy over the four days and those reporting a successful show included:

Paul Francis of Build-Ex, UK who said "the quality of visitors over the last few days has been very high as we have had many good and very specific enquiries

As well as Nasif Akin of BETEK, Turkey who commented "we have seen many good quality visitors"

Mr Azizi of the National Group of Iran was also pleased with the quality of visitor, commenting "ITE did a great job of organising the show and our companies are very satisfied with the quality of business contacts that have been made"

Kazbuild'99 was opened by the Chairman of the Construction Committee of the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry (Kazstroikomitet), Mr S Shardarbekov, who visited a selection of exhibiting companies. Accompanying him was Mr A Abishev, Head of the Prime Minister's Office, Mr Y Zayats, 1st Deputy Mayor of Almaty and Sir Jeremy Hanley, Director of ITE Group Plc, organisers of Kazbuild.

Preparations are already underway for KazBuild 2000 which will once again take place at the Atakent exhibition centre, Almaty, from 6-9 September 2000, not 5-8 September as previously announced.

Confirmations have already been received for next year and all three national stands have requested additional space.

For full details of KazBuild'99 and KazBuild 2000 (6-9 September 2000), please contact the organisers:

ITE Group Plc Tel: +44 (0) 20 7596 5000
105 Salusbury Road Fax: +44 (0) 20 7596 5111
London NW6 6RG, UK E-mail: [email protected]