The Gala Reception

Russia Building Week 2001 organises a gala reception during the four day exhibition to provide a relaxing and entertaining evening for ministers, VIP's, exhibitors and guests. Each year ITE explores grand and innovative ways to create an exciting and enjoyable event. Past Gala Receptions have included boat trips, parties at Red Square, high profile restaurants, grand dinners in Royal Palaces, and many many more. During the evening, guests are treated to a variety of live entertainment, local specialty foods and complimentary drinks.

The Award Ceremony

The presentation of the Russia Building Week awards recognises and rewards the significant efforts of exhibitors in all areas of the exhibition. Prestigious awards are presented to the exhibitors who constructed the best stand in the exhibition, to an international and a Russian company.

The following companies won Russia Building Week 2000 awards.

Batimat Mosbuild 2000

    Best International Stand - Stanley

    Best Russian Stand - Technocom

Heat Vent Moscow 2000

    Best International Stand - Electra Consumer Products

    Best Russian Stand - Daikin

Ceramic & Stone / Santechnika 2000

    Best International Stand - IDO Bathroom Ltd

    Best Russian Stand - Schick

Interiors Moscow 2000

Best International Stand Erfurt
Best Russian Stand Armstrong

Decotex 2000

Best International Stand Deco Dreams
Best Russian Stand Amigo Design