Click here for the 2000 Decotex exhibitor list Click here for the 2001 exhibitor list

Decotex 2001 - 3rd Year

Decotex 2001 is now recognised as a significant international event for the home textile and wallcovering industry. The show was launched out of Interiors Moscow in 1999 to provide Russia with its first high quality exhibition for home textiles. Decotex offers a unique platform for international companies to meet leading industry professionals. Visitors include interior designers, refurbishers, agents and distributors, retailers, upholsterers, interior architects and developers.

Number of exhibitors Product category % of visitors with BUYING interest Number of visitors with BUYING interest

26 Wall Coverings 7 607
16 Decorative Textile 4.4 382
16 Curtains 5.2 451
11 Bedroom Textile 3.3 286
8 Upholstery 2.7 234
4 Blinds & Shutters 6.7 581
5 Bathroom Textiles 3.5 304

New for 2001

  • Buyer seminars
  • Additional National Pavilions
  • Designer forum

    Visitors specifically visiting Decotex - 7,040

    "Russia's market is improving and growing at a rapid pace. In the next ten years it
    will be huge. The quality is very good, and it is the right time to be here."

    `Art Lee Enterprise

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