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Ceramic & Stone Moscow 2001 - 4th Year

First launched three years ago as a theme of Batimat MosBuild, Ceramic & Stone Moscow is now a regular fixture in the calender of Ceramic & stone and related machinery exporters throughout the world. The exhibition has achieved unparalleled success filling two pavilions at the Krasnaya Presnya Expo Centr, and with all the major brands exhibiting as well as national groups from Spain, Italy, and the Czech Republic, Ceramic and Stone is a proven major attraction of Russia Building Week.

Number of exhibitors Product category % of visitors with BUYING interest Number of visitors with BUYING interest

58 Ceramics 13.7 1189
15 Stone 5.5 477

New for 2001
  • Production Machinery & Stone

    Visitors specifically visiting Ceramics and Stone - 15,950

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