What our clients said about the exhibition:
"We found serious interest in our products, very good organisation and quality of visitors"
OMBG, Italy
"A lot of advertising, many professional visitors and business contacts made"
Lentex, Poland
"The number of visitors was unexpectedly large"
Dom Laverna, Russia
"High level of professional visitors"
Oras, Finland
"High level of organisation and a lot of professional visitors"
Pakpen, Turkey
"Impressed by the genuine interest shown by the Russian people, very efficient organisation"
Schmidt Industries, Germany
30,000 visitors were to be seen during the four days of Batimat St. Petersburg'98, Heat*Vent St. Petersburg
'98 and Interiors St. Petersburg'98, the city's second international building and construction exhibition,
which took place 26-29 October 1998 at Lenexpo.
73% of these visitors were directly invited and met over 400 companies from 25 countries, including
regional and national groups from Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Sweden and the UK.
45,5% of exhibitors rated Batimat St. Petersburg'98 very successful for meeting their overall
sales & marketing objectives.
40,4% of companies were successful for establishing new business contacts during Batimat St.
Petersburg'98 and 44,7% thought the quality of visitors was very successful.
Quotes from local newspapers:
"At the opening ceremony the Governor Mr.V. Yakovlev stressed that greater development is being undertaken
for the building sector"
Nevskoye Vremya, 27 October 1998
"It was perfectly organised, undoubtedly very successful among St. Petersburg citizens, amazing amount of
exhibitors, 80% of which wish to exhibit in 1999"
St. Petersbuurg Property, 2 November 1998