About 100 000 Ukrainians visit Bulgaria every year as tourists. The figure was revealed during the meeting of Ukraine's Ambassador to Sofia with the Mayor of Varna.
His Excellency Viktor Kalnik announced that the annual trade between Bulgaria and Ukraine was worth USD 80 mln, and that the opportunities for cooperation have increased since Ukraine joined the World Trade Organisation.
Kalnik also announced about the plans of the Bulgarian State Agency for Tourism and Bulgarian tourism companies to represent their country as a tourist destination at the Ukrainian International Travel & Tourism Exhibition (IEC, 25-27 March 2009).
The Bulgarian State Agency for Tourism has confirmed a booking of 300 m²
at UITT2009, thus increasing
its space by 50% compared to the previous year and becoming the third-largest exhibitor at the exhibition
Chairperson of the Bulgarian State Agency for Tourism, Anelya Krushkova, says, “The number of Ukrainian tourists in Bulgaria is constantly growing. This trend is particularly noticeable this year. Ukraine is a very important market to the Bulgarian travel industry. The number of travel agencies participating in UITT is increasing, too. 27 companies were represented at UITT08. We are expecting more next year”.
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