14 - 16 October 2015
CEC Expoforum - St. Petersburg

Healthcare tourism - where medical services are received outside of a patient's home country - has been developing considerably over the past few years, and now represents a promising area of business. "Medicine Without Borders" is the watchword of companies and tour operators who plan and organise medical tourism. The Health&Medical Tourism event showcases the industry latest achievements, providing experts and the general public with information on medical treatment abroad and the industry's global trends.

The following are invited to take part:
  • Representatives of tourism and public health ministries, agencies and organisations
  • Heads of regional governments
  • Heads of trade unions in large organisations
  • Travel agencies
  • Health workers
  • Insurance companies and medical centres
  • Citizens interested in health and recreation

Contact details

Organiser: Primexpo
Telephone: +7 812 380 6000