November 2016
Chennai Trade Centre - Chennai

After the remarkable success of the third edition of Paperplus, the India paper show held at Chennai in November 2014, we are happy to announce the 4th edition of Paperex South India , which is scheduled to be held at Chennai during November, 2016.
Paperex South India is another commitment from the organisers of the Paperex series of international events to serve the pulp, paper and all allied industries.
Paperex South India aims to provide the regional business community with an international presence, presenting exhibitors with a series of opportunities, such as:
  • • A platform to launch new products, technology and services
  • • Establishment of a manufacturing base in India
  • • Display of the latest machinery and technologies for modernising existing paper mills
  • • A chance to identify alternate suppliers of machinery, equipment and services
  • • Finding availability of raw materials and identifying sources of investments and funding
  • • Face to face interaction with industry players
  • • Supply of professionals and skilled man power
  • • Identifying new import and export destination
  • • Brand building amongst industry players and end users

Contact details

Organiser: ITEI
Telephone: +91 11 4082 8282