12 - 14 April 2016
Atyrau Sport Complex - Atyrau

Located near some of the largest oil fields in Kazakhstan, including three of the world’s largest oil and gas fields (Kashagan, Tengiz and Karachaganak), Atyrau is the production hub for local and national oil companies.

This desirable geographical location makes the Global Oil & Gas Atyrau Exhibition an ideal platform to showcase your latest products, technologies and solutions to the upstream, midstream and downstream market.

The exhibition sections include:
 - Oil and gas production and processing
 - Oil and gas equipment
 - Oil and gas transportation
 - Engineering and consulting
 - Geophysical services
 - Environmental protection
 - Oil and gas field logistics
 - Ecological safety
 - Individual and industrial protection

Contact details

Organiser: ITECA
Telephone: +7 7272 58 34 34
Website: oil-gas.kz